Tuesday 16 January 2007

Arms of Deliverance by Tricia Goyer

3 1/2 Stars

Tricia Goyer continues her World War II series with a fascinating tale of two very different American female news reporters who find themselves on the frontlines of the war in Belgium and France.

Mary has clawed her way through the journalistic ranks with nothing but grit and determination to aid her while wealthy socialite Lee has shocked her family by leaving her job with Vogue and taking up news reporting. It is through these women that we glimpse the harshness of war and the resilience of those fighting for freedom. There lives become entwined with a young pregnant Jew who has hidden her true identity and is living as an Aryan and in love with a Nazi officer in charge of racial purity. Both Mary and Lee find themselves in life threatening situations as they pursue the real stories of civilians and soldiers caught up in a war that forever changed the world.

Tricia has penned an informative and interesting story of the war through the eyes of reporters, a secret Jew and the crew of a B-17 bomber. Their stories intersect well and although there is some predictability to the ending there is enough suspense to keep the reader enthralled. Lee was less developed as a character than Mary which was a bit disappointing but Tricia has otherwise written an accurate tale of the war and is well worth the read.


Anonymous said...

You are back! I missed you. *smile*

Love the new look.

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